Protecting the Fabric of Integrative Healthcare refresh post banner

Protecting the Fabric of Integrative Healthcare– REFRESH Magazine

Hello Readers,

What an exciting time to be a Reflexology Therapist! You know we’ve come far when we have the Deputy Premier and Minister of Health of Ontario coming to deliver an important message on behalf of the government of Ontario about the importance of the work they do, but also the leadership that RAC plays in integrative healthcare.

We’ve come far!

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In this issue, discover how reflexology can assist with those pesky summer allergies, how reflexology can support people who are living in seniors’ homes, celebrate a legacy RAC Member, and see some of the highlights from the inaugural Canadian National Reflexology Day!

Thank you for your participation in our larger mission to make reflexology a renowned modality throughout Canada and beyond. We’re moving forward, one day at a time!

Team RAC






ines reflexology canada


Tina Professional picture SQUARE


Hayley Dow


Robyn M Dawson

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