WORKSHOP: X-tra Focus on Fertility with Inge Dougans

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✅ Who can Register?
There are no prerequisites for this 6-hour workshop.

✅ Cost:

RAC Members – $190.00 + tax
Non-Members – $230.00 + tax

✅ Language:

This workshop will be in English.

✅ Certificates:

Certificates of attendance will be provided following the workshop.

Inge Dougans

With Inge Dougans, Founder of Dougans International,
Founder of The South African Reflexology Society

About the Presenter

Inge Dougans qualified as a Reflexologist in Denmark in 1981. Shortly after, she settled in South Africa and established the International Academy of Reflexology & Meridian Therapy. She also founded the South African Reflexology Society and has served many years on the professional board.  

Inge is an author of various books on Reflexology and Meridian Therapy. She is renowned for incorporating ancient Chinese TCM theories and philosophies into modern Reflexology. Inge has travelled and taught her concepts throughout the world, often invited as a guest speaker to address international conferences and local associations.  

In celebration of her Academy’s 35th anniversary in 2018, Inge visited the tomb of Ankhmahor in Saqqara, Egypt to study at the pictograph of men working on the feet and hands of other men. Inge strongly believes that the toes and fingers represent the entry and exit points of the meridians, and these also overlap with the reflexes in the toes. 

Workshop Description

This workshop aims to link infertility conditions to the assessments of the Meridians and the philosophies of the Five Elements. We will also discuss the overlapping reflexes.

On male infertility, this workshop provides exciting information regarding reproductive cells (anatomy). However, the most exciting is the importance of semen and the link to the various ORGANS and REFLEXES involved with intracellular calcium. The information helps to understand the connection between male infertility and the blood pressure factors many suffer from, including heart issues.

On female infertility, this workshop looks at the connection of the various medical conditions to aspects of the 5-elements, namely the Earth Element, and why body weight issues, autoimmune diseases, and, again, the overlap of sensitive reflexes connected to the typical reproductive diagnosis. Furthermore, why do so many females have extremely sensitive stomach and pancreas reflexes? These two organs are often involved with sensitive breasts and various ovary and uterus diagnoses. Hence essential to understand the connection to the reflexes.

A therapist needs to be aware of the many factors involved, which also helps to understand the connections to the sensitive reflexes and why the stimulation of reflexes is not always enough. Educating the client is vital as becoming involved in the process.

Please note: this workshop will NOT be recorded.

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