
Telehealth and Reflexology

Due to COVID-19, most provinces have issued statements on the closures of all non-essential services. Consequently, the Reflexology Association of Canada (RAC) has recommended that all members refrain from meeting with clients in-person until further notice.

In these unprecedented times, RAC remains committed to supporting its members, the credibility of this profession, and the safety of the public.

We understand that many RCRT™s want to continue supporting their clients and are exploring the possibility of doing so via electronic or virtual means. While we understand that these types of communications are important for a variety of reasons, as per our scope of practice, a reflexology session cannot be delivered by online means, because it does not meet the Association’s definition of β€œreflexology.”

If a therapist chooses to provide other services via electronic or virtual means, they must ensure that clients understand that these services cannot be named or billed as reflexology.

In our commitment to support our members, the credibility of this profession, and the safety of the public, we will continue to evaluate the option of providing reflexology services via electronic or virtual means.